
17 French Toast Side Dishes

Many options like salmon or fruit work as a side dish or main.

French toast is the quintessential foundation for any Sunday brunch at my house.

French toast with berries

I convince myself it’s healthy as I heap my plate with seasonal fruit and slather it with maple syrup. Then I choose salmon, bacon, or sausage companions, but French toast is very flexible.

My other half demands crispy bacon, but what to serve with French toast becomes more complicated when you have guests. However, two things that always stay the same when I make French toast are starting with fresh-from-the-bakery bread or baguette.

Here’s what I enjoy about preparing the following French toast companions.

What Do You Eat With French Toast?

French toast is a classic that never goes stale. Start with quality and locally sourced ingredients. Fresh bread and organic eggs change this dynamic dish without overpowering the other foods.

Many options like salmon or fruit work as a side dish or main. Bacon, well, it goes without saying. Bon Appetit!

17 Tasty French Toast Side Dishes

French toast with berries

French toast may be filling on its own, but round out your meal with these complimentary sides! Figure out what to serve with your next French toast brunch.

Cook Time 30 minutes
Total Time 30 minutes


    1. Choose your favorite recipe.
    2. Gather the necessary ingredients.
    3. Prep and cook your recipe.
    4. Enjoy!

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Written by Brian Nagele

Brian attended West Virginia University, then started his career in the IT industry before following his passion for marketing and hospitality. He has over 20 years experience in the restaurant and bar industry.

As a former restaurant owner, he knows about running a food business and loves to eat and enjoy cocktails on a regular basis. He constantly travels to new cities tasting and reviewing the most popular spots.

Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Quora, Google Guide and Facebook.