
18 Popular Korean Soups To Make

Anyone who visits South Korea learns that aside from gorgeous historical landmarks, the food is the main tourist attraction. But you don’t need to book a ticket to experience delicious and authentic Korean cuisine. 

Spicy Fish Roe Soup

In any culture, soup is the ultimate comfort food. Whether it’s broth-based or smooth and creamy, you can never go wrong with soup as an appetizer or a main meal.

I would argue that Korean recipes have perfected the concept of soup, from amazing vegetable-packed dishes to noodle-filled bowls.

In this quick guide, we’ll cover nineteen popular Korean soups to make, with recipes for each and every one so you can enjoy these beautiful dishes from the comfort of your own home. 

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Written by Brian Nagele

Brian attended West Virginia University, then started his career in the IT industry before following his passion for marketing and hospitality. He has over 20 years experience in the restaurant and bar industry.

As a former restaurant owner, he knows about running a food business and loves to eat and enjoy cocktails on a regular basis. He constantly travels to new cities tasting and reviewing the most popular spots.

Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Quora, Google Guide and Facebook.