
Is Father’s Day Busy for Restaurants?

It’s no surprise that restaurants are busy on Mother’s Day. Families want to show their appreciation for the woman who raised them and often does so by going out to eat. 

Mature man eating breakfast at restaurant

But what about Father’s Day? Are restaurants just as busy on this holiday? In short, yes. Though not to the same extent as Mother’s Day, Father’s Day is still a popular day for dining out. 

Because dads tend to be harder to buy gifts for than moms, a meal is a practical way to show your appreciation. Plus, it’s an excellent excuse to get the whole family together while treating your dad to a nice meal. 

This article will discuss whether Father’s Day is as busy as Mother’s Day or other holidays and whether you’ll need a reservation at a restaurant for Father’s Day. Let’s get started.

Are Restaurants Busy on Father’s Day?

Many restaurants will see lots of business on the third Sunday of June.

My family always makes reservations ahead of time because it can be tough to walk into a place and get a table. 

In fact, Father’s Day is one of the busiest holidays to dine out, behind Valentine’s Day and Mother’s Day. So, to avoid any disappointment, book a reservation at your dad’s favorite place to eat well in advance. 

Remember, because of the time of year, you may also be competing for restaurant tables with graduation parties and bridal showers. 

How Does Father’s Day Compare to Mother’s Day?

While sons and daughters take the opportunity to shower their moms with flowers, cards, gifts and dinners out, dads deserve to be celebrated, too, and Father’s Day is an excellent opportunity to show him how much you appreciate yours. 

Many people think of an early-summer backyard barbeque as the perfect way to celebrate the dads in their lives, but the truth is a lot men would appreciate not being the grill master on their day off.

Take your dad to enjoy a nice meal out, maybe in a sports bar or neighborhood pub. 

How Busy is Father’s Day Compared to Other Holidays?

According to research from the National Restaurant Association, Father’s Day is right up there in popularity compared to other holidays

Of course, Mother’s Day leads the pack in busy restaurant days, but Father’s Day actually isn’t far behind. Turns out, it’s busier than New Year’s Eve and Easter.  

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Will I Need a Reservation for Father’s Day?

Father’s Day is just around the corner, and you may be wondering if you need to make a reservation at your favorite restaurant.

In general, restaurants are most crowded on weekends and holidays, so if you’re planning to eat out on Father’s Day, it’s a good idea to make a reservation. 

However, if you’re flexible about when you eat, you may be able to get a table without a reservation.

In addition, many restaurants offer walk-in seating during off-peak hours, so it’s worth calling ahead to see if your Father’s Day meal will be possible without a reservation.

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Written by Brian Nagele

Brian attended West Virginia University, then started his career in the IT industry before following his passion for marketing and hospitality. He has over 20 years experience in the restaurant and bar industry.

As a former restaurant owner, he knows about running a food business and loves to eat and enjoy cocktails on a regular basis. He constantly travels to new cities tasting and reviewing the most popular spots.

Follow him on LinkedIn, Instagram, Quora, Google Guide and Facebook.